Welcome to our HeritageFest Blog!

This is a blog about our experiences in a HeritageFest event. We went for a guided walk in Empress Park, Esplanade Park and the War Memorial Park.

Group Members
- Arvin Jeremiah Rao (3)
- Han Wen Jiang (10)
- Joel Tow (13)
- Nathan Wong (23)

If you dislike the blogposts' reverse-chronological order, you can refer to 'Our Experiences' at the right of the blog. The posts are sequenced in order, for easier reading. Finally, do feel welcomed to add comments on the blog posts. However, negative comments will be removed. So please mind your language! All comments would be warmly welcomed!

Friday 10 August 2012

Our Itinerary

There were various events that we could choose to attend on the HeritageFest Website. After much discussion, we decided to go for the Guided Walk at Empress Park, Esplanade Park and War Memorial Park Trail.

There were 20 landmarks we needed to visit. They are listed below in order. 
  1. Cavenagh Bridge
  2. Dalhousie Obelisk
  3. Statue of Sir Stamford Raffles
  4. Victoria Theatre and Victoria Concert Hall
  5. The Arts House at The Old Parliament
  6. The Underpass
  7. Anderson Bridge
  8. Esplanade Park
  9. Queen Elizabeth Walk
  10. Lim Bo Seng Memorial
  11. Indian National Army Marker
  12. Connaught Drive
  13. The Padang
  14. Singapore Cricket Club and Singapore Recreation Club
  15. Old Supreme Court Building and City Hall
  16. The Cenotaph
  17. Tan Kim Seng Fountain
  18. St. Andrew's Cathedral
  19. War Memorial Park 
  20. Civilian War Memorial
 In the next few blog posts, we will be looking at the landmarks in detail.


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