Welcome to our HeritageFest Blog!

This is a blog about our experiences in a HeritageFest event. We went for a guided walk in Empress Park, Esplanade Park and the War Memorial Park.

Group Members
- Arvin Jeremiah Rao (3)
- Han Wen Jiang (10)
- Joel Tow (13)
- Nathan Wong (23)

If you dislike the blogposts' reverse-chronological order, you can refer to 'Our Experiences' at the right of the blog. The posts are sequenced in order, for easier reading. Finally, do feel welcomed to add comments on the blog posts. However, negative comments will be removed. So please mind your language! All comments would be warmly welcomed!

Saturday 11 August 2012

Tan Kim Seng Fountain

This beautiful blue and white fountain was built in 1882 in honour of Tan Kim Seng. He was a well-known philanthropist in Singapore in the 19th Century. He made a vast fortune as a trader, and used his fortune to establish a Chinese Free School, as well as to support part of Tan Tock Seng Hospital. One of his most famous donations was the $13,000 in 1857 to build Singapore's first public waterworks to ensure a more convenient and fresher water supply to Singapore. Back in those days, $13,000 was a huge amount of money. Today, Kim Seng Road in River Valley, a road he had built, and Kim Seng Bridge, also built by him, still exists. I felt a strong sense of pride and gratitude to Tan Kim Seng. Without him, Singapore would not have a constant supply of fresh water.

The Tan Kim Seng Fountain

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